
EBU's Green Light for Eurovision 2015


    We are almost in the middle of summer and Eurovision 2014 in Copenhagen became a historical moment in Eurovision Song Contest. Like every year with the ending of the contest the participant countries start to decide if they will participate again in the next years Eurovision. Till now 18 countries are officially gave the green light for Eurovision 2015 that will be held in Austria after the winning of Conchita Wurst in Copenhagen with the song : Rise like a Phoenix”. The 18 countries are: Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and United Kingdom.
    For the first time in the history of Eurovision, EBU defined a new rule to all countries for the participation process. With the official "News Letter" that has been send in all national broadcasters witch are in the range of EBU explains that: the official opening for the statements will be in September 15th and will be open till 10th of October, and for the first time there will be no “penalties” if a country decides to withdraw.
    Eurovision 2015 may be far but EBU and ORF give us the feeling that the contest of 2015 will be with strictly professionalism, after all Austria already shown that they have taken Eurovision Song Contest very seriously! We hope to see more than 37 countries in Eurovision 2015, till then we have to patiently wait for the Biggest Event in worldwide music.